Friday, May 29, 2020

A writer's update

It's Friday, my day off from the rigors of survival. It includes extraneous man made and not man made things. Don't worry I'm an old pro at it all. Writing full time on it, becoming that Paris street artist and betting your whole life on it, has been my life for years at this point.

Has it been worth it? Yes, the encouragement I've received from the "judges" of it all definitely are to blame if you want to hate on my work. It's been wild to say the least. I pour through too many piles of posts of other writers being cut to pieces while I accept rejections that include praises on my writing, ideas, the whole gig. It just hasn't jumped over the hurdle, it needs to, so it can be available to more people and that never before dreamed reality becomes reality.

I have no social agenda in my writing. I write and edit and write and edit etc until I decide it's fit for the public's eyes. I've heard the typo thing and frankly those that seek perfection will never feel satisfied by the beauty all around them. I try, but all the programs and everything else I do just doesn't get to perfection.I think nothing does unless you have a team of editors.

But the story is lost to those people so I try to get it there. But my path left novels and turned into a love for screenplay writing like a lightening bolt that I am now the servant to whatever purpose it may have. But no worries it's not bad because my stories are dark to light but hey I am a writer so what pops out isn't limited to anything. I've learned that. That's real.  

I am going a little nuts for now, waiting for big news that I don't now which way it will turn.  I know if it turns the right way my life will change for the better. But for now, I wait. It's a writer's life.

Limerick new podcast devoted to the Limericks you all have liked enough for me to jump in.

 My latest endeavor that I'm having a blast at and it's going swimmingly well is the creation of the podcast Limerick Alley. For lon...