Thursday, July 25, 2019

Another Great Review Came in This Week!

Got another great review this week on Return to Limerick from a Twitter user = "I enjoyed the way it was written. Made quite a mystery to keep the reader involved. I gave it to one of my children to read to their grandchildren while enjoying it themselves!"

Sunday, July 14, 2019

In Case You Missed It...

Did you miss the Chat and Spin Radio interview? No problem you can hear it here on my WordPress site.

Cheers to Chat and Spin Radio that helps artists get exposure that is so important to all of us!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Iolon Star, The Earthlings and Return to Limerick are hitting the airwaves this Saturday! 7-13!

The journey for my novels continues and now they are going to be on the radio! The UK radio station Chat and Spin will be airing the quickie interview where I got to send my novels over the airwaves and its blasting out on July 13th Saturday at 12:20 pm PST. You can hear it by going to or if you miss it you can go to their Facebook page on Sunday to hear it!

It was a lot of fun and it did take me more than one take but only two so I am happy about it and I think they were too since they invited me back when my next science fiction novel is done!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Every Writer Loves to See This

Traveling back across the country has put a hold on me continuing to write my next novel so I have put the time I have into promoting the novels I have published before leaving to drive another 700 + miles before I am back in Nevada.

But I realized during this time not only a significant increase in Kindle Unlimited readers but also that they are reading it with lightening speed and not putting it down! That's every writer's wish, hope and dream for any novel, to grip the reader so they don't want to stop reading. So seeing that reality with Iolon Star has been really great and making this long drive across the country an extra boost of happy.

Once again thanks readers!

Limerick new podcast devoted to the Limericks you all have liked enough for me to jump in.

 My latest endeavor that I'm having a blast at and it's going swimmingly well is the creation of the podcast Limerick Alley. For lon...