Monday, March 25, 2019

Editing Madness

I finished my latest story, a science fiction novella. Sorry I haven’t visited here for a bit but I have been deep into that edit.
I wrote an adult science fiction and right now I am in the wonder what will happen phase of this writer experience, while I edit. Can a science fiction novella that has no humans, no one from earth involved, satisfy science fiction fans? I’m hoping so but my other science fiction novel is still rocking so I am confident sci fi fans will like this story too.
When I finish the edit on this one it will be my fourth published novel and I have so many short stories up now that even when I look at it I say, “hey I am a writer” as if I didn’t know that before? Madness is part of each of us and we all know it. I accept that, what do you do with it?
But that process of editing despite the madness of it, results in changes that enhances the story so more will understand not misunderstand. Some will always misunderstand it is an inevitable reality. But I, as all writers do, write with twisted fervor to achieve the impossible despite reality and that is a madness in and of itself.
I look up at the clock, it’s 4pm I don’t want to go back to editing, back to that intense focus on each and every sentence. I am going to tell myself I am done for the day. I did a chapter and that takes me almost a whole day so 4pm sounds like a good time to stop.
Looking forward to getting my edit done soon and being freed from this madness. If you want to join the launch team and get a free copy of the science fiction novella I am working on just message me. Write on everyone!

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Crazies that hide within

Okay so let's start from the start, you want to be a writer and that alone puts you in the crazy section of our world society unless you what? Make it big? Writing is as bizarre as the ancient pics carved in stone. The Internet has expanded the contribution to our civilizations intensily, which is good. Who wants to hear from the few when they can pick from the many? Too many? Cream always floats to the top, don't worry. 

Once upon a time there were a few cave people, let's be real no one knows if it was a man or woman who carved the pics in old stone, all we know is someone did it. Let's just go with we are here and if you and I are here that means that a whole lot of people over a whole lot of time had to not only survive but have a baby and care for that baby well enough so it would grow up and have more babies, so you could be here today.

Okay so here we are so far long and our online community has expanded our cave drawings exponentially where ultimately everyone has a voice, a message, they can send out to the world. No holds barred, damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead!

Now the only question is how do you handle that? I say take a break from what the 1% in the literary and mainstream critic world has "decided" through critics what you should read. I say support indie authors and explore the universe of cave drawings that have expanded through indie authors who no one controls the message, the dialogue, the story you hear, read, experience.

There is no greater liberty and freedom then choice and the expansion of it because of liberty as long as liberty is what the end goal is beautiful. So get out there and enjoy your beautiful life that took a whole lot of people being strong enough to ultimately get you to you.

I have a ton of cave drawings I am writing my fourth novel and have 14 short stories and a couple of poems including a limerick up on you can check that out here and they are all free to read if you want to get a flavor for my own cave drawings. WL Wright Bookies Profile Page

Friday, March 1, 2019

What A Wild Week! Being an Indie Author is a WIld Experience and I Love It!


I haven't posted for a while here but that's because being an Indie Author is a full time job. This week I got to my eighth chapter on my new book done and participated in more online communities than I can count. I am doing this post because I am taking a break.

Please don't think I am complaining because when I role around in the online communities there is so much going on it keeps my brain fired up and helps me take the break I need to write on.

I try to imagine that world in the past when a writer in the olden ages went mad writing incessantly alone with only a bar break or a church break. Online communities are first a requirement for authors and I went into it kind of kicking and screaming but it turned into a different experience where I have to admit I love putting my two cents into the mix of humanity whatever the result or affect.

Before I became an indie author only a tiny group in the publishing world ever read my work and then when I became an indie author the whole world was reading my work and that IS wild. I have never had so many people read my stories in my life and I am at 1500 people who have read my stories novels and short stories. That is the most ever that have read my writing and I think that is not only great but it's also wild and accentuates the greatness of the online world.

Limerick new podcast devoted to the Limericks you all have liked enough for me to jump in.

 My latest endeavor that I'm having a blast at and it's going swimmingly well is the creation of the podcast Limerick Alley. For lon...